Saturday, July 25, 2009

Assistive Technology

At first I was not quite sure what was meant by assistive technology. I was not quite sure what it was that my professor was referring to. After asking her, I had a clearer understanding of what she was looking for. So to answer your question on what assistive technology is. Assistive technology can be defined as any technological tool that assists an individual with disabilities to perform a task that they would find difficult to accomplish without it. To give you more information and examples of assistive technology you can access the following link:


  1. This link has good information! Working at a high school, some of our students have disabilities and I am proud to say that there are omputers available for them with assistive technology tools. These students have shown not only academic improvement but are becoming more social as well. More schools should look into implementing these tools and what's even better, there are grants available to help pay for it.

  2. In my research I too found that it can be something as simple as adding padding to a spoon for a child with dexterity problems.
